The Beatles – a history of mega fraud

   Let me begin with a few words about myself. Who were the Beatles for me. In the 1960s, when this rock band was famous, we didn’t have television at home and there was no internet yet. I was a teenager then and I liked going to cinema, especially for westerns and “coat and sword” films. One day I went to the cinema for a movie “The Beatles”. [1] The title did not tell me anything, but the film itself made a huge impression on me. Thanks to this, I became interested in English language and culture. I became Beatles’ fan, and in my dreams, one of them. I could imitate them so well that when I sang their hits, people would say “Second John Lennon” or “Second Paul McCartney.” Yes, their songs were more than music to me. They changed my life to some degree, which my Christian family disapproved. It wasn’t my personal opinion about this band. I remember my colleagues who saw this film a few or even a dozen times when it was on in Polish cinemas. I saw it four or five times in my life.

   Until recently, the world knew hardly anything about the real history of this best and most famous rock band ever. It came to light only 13 years ago. It all began when on July 1, 2005 at Entertainment Studio’s office located at 69 Highway in California, a small parcel arrived. There was no sender’s address on it, and inside there were two audio cassettes with the words ‘Last testament of George Harrison’ written on each of them. Joel Gilbert, the recipient of this pack, was a film director and five years later he made the movie “Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison” [2] It was an authentic recording of this ex-Beatle, who, not wanting to take this secret to grave, confessed it and strictly – recorded it as a kind of confession on those tapes. Then he told someone to publish these tapes after his death, which that someone did for him. It was undoubtedly the anonymous sender of this parcel.

   Because, as I said, I was one of the Beatles’ fans, I listened to this recording with special attention. I was shocked at what I learned. This is a very sad, downright shocking story that I will recount you in a moment.

“We are more popular than Jesus”

   “Christianity will go, it will shrink and disappear. We’re more popular than Jesus,” said John Lennon, the founder of the Beatles, to a reporter in 1966. These words sparked a storm in the US, especially in Protestant circles. Their records were publicly burned and they chanted “Down with the Beatles!”, etc. Posters with the inscriptions such as “Jesus loves you, John” or “Jesus died for you, John” appeared at their concerts. John apologized to Christians for these words. He explained that by saying that he meant only the youth in England, not the youth in the USA. But did he lie or exaggerate?

   No, he didn’t. It was true. Their music had captured the hearts of millions.

They conquered the world but lost their souls

   All four formed a certain unity, an inseparable whole. It would be difficult to imagine the Beatles band, with any of them missing. And the main reason for their staggering success was undoubtedly a strong “chemistry” between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Together, they composed and performed almost all their songs. John was the soul of the band, Paul the heart, George the spirit, and Ringo the drummer.In the 1960s, big beat bands were often called “revolvers” and the Beatles were the best of all. To find out, just listen to some of their songs, such as “It won’t be long” or “No reply”. Listening to their early records, you have an impression that you hear several voices blended into one accord; so beautiful they sounded, creating something unique. “It was a great music” – this is what some people would say about them.

   But this “revolver” suddenly fell silent. What happened?!

Paul’s tragic death

   Beatlemania was a global phenomenon in the mid-1960s. However, it did not last long. Why?

Just then, when the Fab Four of Liverpool was at the very height of their popularity, when they were idols to so many people, a terrible thing happened – Paul McCartney died in a car crash. Ever since that time they had never been the same. In fact, they’d been falling into deeper and deeper despair. Their star suddenly dimmed considerably. They still released next albums, but in fact they were solo recordings. Only music of the whole band remained. No wonder – the loss of Paul practically meant the loss of the band’s heart.

   “Paul always liked girls,” says George. “On November 9, 1966, around midnight, he had an argument with John about the lyrics to some new song. John upset him and he rushed out of the Apple Corps studio where our recording session was on, got into his car and drove away. It was raining. On the way back home he noticed a girl in a blue mini dress walking the street. He stopped and asked her if he could give her a lift home. Realizing that it was Paul McCartney, she immediately agreed. Then she threw herself around his neck, making it difficult for him to drive. It seems likely that this is why he completely lost control of the car. Reaching a certain intersection, he didn’t notice that the lights had changed to red and collided with a big speeding truck, dying on the spot. She, however, survived.

   Soon after that, MI5 agents showed up at the Apple Corps studio. They told the other three Beatles that an accident had occurred and they must go with them to identify the body. The sight of dead Paul shook them a lot. “Yes, it’s him,” they replied. Then things went quickly. The agents told them to get into their van and took them to an unknown place. There was a house there which they all entered. Then the agents told them to wait in it until they received appropriate instructions. After about a dozen minutes, one of the agents, who introduced himself as Maxwell, said: “Her Majesty’s Government ruled that publicizing the fact of Paul McCartney’s death would cause a wave of suicides. Hundreds of fans would kill themselves out of despair.”

   Later that Maxwell played a major role in this whole ugly affair.

MI5 agents decided to find a double, a look-alike of Paul. George continues: “Immediately after the accident, Maxwell gave us an idea – plastic surgery experts working for MI5 were able to create in their labs someone similar to Paul.” All three Beatles – John, George and Ringo consented to this. Therefore, a competition for candidates was announced. Over a dozen of them showed up. Eventually, a man named William Shears Campbell was chosen. (It is, by the way, the same guy who still pretends to be the real Paul McCartney). Several plastic surgeries were performed on his face, which took a long time. Then he was sent to a pronunciation course, to learn the liverpudlian accent. John Lennon gave him the nickname Faul. At first glance, he looks very much like real Paul McCartney, but if you look a little closer, you can spot many differences in their appearance.

Compare their noses

Now compare the shape of their faces, two large front teeth and tips of their noses

As you can see, their profiles, foreheads, ears and nose tips are different. Paul has brown eyes and Faul greenish hazel, Paul has a round face and Faul oblong and he is over 5 centimeters taller.

And their voices sound different as well.  Compare them here



   It is worth adding that one of the Beatles songs is called “Dr. Robert”; it was the name of the plastic surgeon who created the new Paul.

   Regarding Rita, who survived the accident and was an eyewitness to Paul’s death, George says: “MI5 gave her a new identity, she also underwent plastic surgery on her face and was bribed to keep silent.” Since then, her name was Heather Mills.

   Paul’s funeral was held secretly in the town of Blackpool. Only a few people attended it – three Beatles – John, George, Ringo, parents of the deceased and of course the priest. Perhaps there was one or two more people from the McCartney family there.

Trip to India and Brian Epstein’s death

   As I mentioned before, all this plan to create a new Paul and conceal the truth from the world was made up and carried out by the agents of British counterintelligence MI5, who threatened the remaining three Beatles with death if they ever betrayed them. George explains their decision in this case as follows: “We knew what would happen if people learned that we had a false Paul in our band. The whole world would hate us forever.”

   Brian Epstein, their manager, also agreed to this deal.

   George goes on to say: “In February 1968, we flew to India, but not to listen to Maharishi Mahesh Yoga’s lectures on transcendental meditation, but to ask him to perform a ritual that would cause Paul’s soul to enter William Campbell’s body. But this idea failed. It didn’t work. I know it was crazy, we were out of our minds through suffering.” John expressed his disappointment with this trip to India in the song “Sexy Sadie” [3]

Sexy Sadie, what have you done
You made a fool of everyone

   To make things worse, on the eve of their return from India, a new tragedy took place. On August 27, 1967 at the age of only 32 Brian Epstein, died suddenly in mysterious circumstances. “How come? The day before his death he enjoyed good health and was in high spirits,” George told the reporters at the airport upon their arrival in England. Epstein was a man of Jewish descent and, as it turned out later, a shady businessman. He robbed the Beatles of large amounts of money. Perhaps he was even blackmailing the MI5 agents, threatening them that if they did not pay him enough for silence in this matter, he would denounce them. So they decided to eliminate him. [4]

   And the Beatles considered Brian a close friend, they even called him “the fifth Beatle.”

Numerous clues on the album covers and in lyrics

   There are many films on the web whose authors discuss those clues in quite detail. However, the behavior of John Lennon is particularly important. Like the other two, he was forced to remain silent about Paul’s death under pain of death, but he posted many graphic clues on the album covers suggesting this fact, and even in lyrics of some songs, such as “Eleanor Rigby”, “A Day in the Life” or “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” He himself designed the cover of the album “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, which, as you can see, resembles one big funeral ceremony. You can see on it the photos of many famous people who were dead at that time.

In his song “A Day in the Life” he tells about this accident:

The news was rather sad
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn’t notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They’d seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was
from the House of Lords…
He could not be saved.

This mention of the House of Lords is of course a metaphor. Each of the four Beatles had previously been decorated by Queen Elizabeth II with the order of M.B.E, which only eminent citizens of the empire received, including the members of that House.

Rumors about Paul McCartney’s death

   As I mentioned earlier, after Paul’s death, all three others, swore under pressure of the MI5 agents to never reveal this secret to the world. They stopped travelling the world together because they were afraid that during their stage performances Faul could be recognized and publicly exposed by someone. So they preferred to stay in their London Apple Corps recording studio and rarely showed up together in public places. And before, i.e. when Paul was alive, they had recorded five great, very succesful albums and toured all over the world, including Australia.

   However, in 1969, i.e. three years after Paul’s death, a Detroit journalist published an article about his death. It sparked a great sensation in much of the world. To the journalists’ question whether this was true, all of them unanimously answered “No, it isn’t”. However, the news spread too wide, so the new Paul McCartney, or Faul, had to reassure their fans that he was still alive. In an exclusive interview for Life magazine of November 7, 1969, he said, quoting Mark Twain’s words: “Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated.” Then he added: “I am alive and well and unconcerned about the rumors of my death. But if I were dead, I would be the last to know.” He also gave some devious explanations about the origin of mysterious clues on the covers of the Beatles albums. [5]

Breakup of the band

Around this time, the Beatles came to the conclusion that it was time to dissolve the band and part their ways. They did not want to do it right away, because it would be suspicious, almost tantamount to confirming the truth of this rumor, so they decided to wait for some time until it all blowed over.

   Half a year later, the famous Beatles band officially ceased to exist.

But it practically ceased to exist earlier, when Paul died, only few people knew about it. In the new lineup it existed only four years and couldn’t exist longer. No wonder. John and Faul couldn’t get along at all in the recording studio.

   So it was not Yoko Ono, John’s partner, who broke this band, as was commonly believed, but the lack of the real Paul McCartney.

John’s tragic fate

   After Paul’s death and getting into a bad deal with MI5, he lost his creativity. He was no longer the same John Lennon. He continued to compose and record, but they were poor songs, such as “Strawberry Field Forever”, “Instant Karma”, but he used to say: ” At last I am John Lennon.” He was partly right. The presence of Faul in the recording studio clearly irritated him. It was not only his problem – George and Ringo also felt that Faul was a foreign body among them. And Paul’s death also seriously hindered their chances for further musical career. It was practically the end of the band. And indeed, it turned out later that, acting individually, none of the three could achieve too much. Except Faul, he did achieve a lot.

   It seems that John couldn’t stand it all mentally and cracked up, became weird. Or maybe he was only pretending, as George said. In any case, his behavior raised concerns about his mental condition. For example, in 1969 he spent the whole week in bed with his eccentric woman Yoko Ono in one of Montreal’s hotels. It was, they said, their form of public protest against the Vietnam War during their honeymoon. They received journalists there, gave interviews without leaving the bed. In addition, John appeared on stage wearing a red astronaut-like suit, and the musicians who played for him had bizarre two-faced masks on their heads. [6]

   And I wondered for so long why such a great band never once visited Poland and why soon after the release of their album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band “in 1967 it waned so much; its songs ceased to appear on the top of hit charts …

Time to reveal the truth

   All three, however, were sick and tired of living a lie, and in 1980 John and George came to the conclusion that it was time to publicly tell the truth.

   It turned out to be a tragic mistake.

   George says: “Around December 1, 1980, John called me and said he was going to publicly announce the truth about Paul’s death. He also called Faul and told him the same. But before he did it, he was killed, and strictly about a week later.”

The news of John’s death did not seem to worry Faul. He responded to this message quite indifferently, as if he had expected it to happen.

   As for Rita turned Heather Mills, the eyewitness to the accident, she also kept this secret, but only for a dozen or so years. George says: “On August 1, 1993, Faul called me. He was very upset. He said that Rita had contacted him and demanded that he divorce his wife and marry her. Otherwise, she will denounce him. I advised him to call Maxwell. A week later, she was hit by a speeding motorcycle while crossing the street. Her leg was crushed so much in this accident that it had to be amputated. MI5 agents almost managed to kill her… just like me, six years later.”

Other grim facts of this story

   George Harrison relates how he was attacked in his own home one day at midnight in 1999. He says: “I was to share John’s fate, despite the fact that so much time had passed since his death. It was MI5’s job. I told only Faul that I was going to tell the world the truth about Paul’s death, only he could report it to Maxwell. That’s why Maxwell did not trust me and wanted to liquidate me as well.”

   Faul married the American Linda Eastman, a photographer who had previously photographed the deceased Paul. He did it because she blackmailed him. She said that if he refused to do so, she would publicly reveal his true identity.

   Faul was indeed very popular with women? Now it’s not difficult to guess why. He was then one of the richest musicians in the world.

At last we know why

   As I said, the Beatles’ star quickly dimmed after Paul’s death and they stopped travelling together. Other bands, like the Rolling Stones, the Kinks and the Animals, who had never been their equals before, quickly outperformed them. The reason for this was, of course, the lack of new good Beatles’ hits on the music market.

   I also said that before listening to the tape recorded by George Harrison and published in 2005, I often wondered why the Beatles had never performed in Poland. Now I know that Paul McCartney’s death was the reason. Even the “Iron Curtain” was not too high for that. British rock bands such as the Shadows, the Animals and the Rolling Stones did perform in Poland during the communist era. It is almost certain that the communist authorities of the time would also have let the Beatles into the country if they wanted to come. The Rolling Stones came to Warsaw in 1968 and gave one concert in the Sala Kongresowa of the Palace of Culture.

   I remember that day vividly. Crowds of young people gathered and protested in front of this Palace, demanding to see the Rolling Stones live, because they couldn’t get inside due to the limited number of tickets for their performance.

   This is what was happening then, in the era of big-beat, not only in Poland butalso in other European countries. Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, when asked by journalists something about the Beatles in 1968, replied: “Beatles? And who are the Beatles? ”He knew that Paul McCartney was dead, but he didn’t want to say it directly, only alluded to that.

Some questions that we may never know full answers to

   As I have mentioned, George Harrison claims that the assault on him at his home in 1999 was slated by MI5 agents to silence him forever. It is noteworthy that both his attacker and Mike Chapman, John’s killer, were people having some mental and emotional disorders. Data on this subject are available in medical records.

   Was this pure coincidence?

It seems very likely that George was right. These agents purposely selected such people to, if necessary, blame them, their health condition and thus divert suspicion from themselves. After all, mad people are capable of anthing.


  • What were the circumstances of Brian Epstein’s death? Official sources said that the cause of his death was overdose of sleeping pills. Was it?
  • Who really decided that John Lennon should be murdered? Was Mike Chapman acting alone or on someone else’s commission, as George suggested? Was he really so seriously mentally ill, as media reported? This also raises some doubts, because he’s been in jail for almost 40 years now and is behaving there quite normally. In addition, he did not flee the crime scene, and his first words spoken to the policemen who had caught him, were: “I acted alone, without any accomplice.”
  • Why Rita, Paul’s casual passenger and eyewitness to his death, was hit on the road and lost her leg shortly after her phone call to Faul?
  • And finally, if and when will William Campbell be exposed as a fake ex-Beatle and publicly scalped?

   I reckon this as a great scandal that cannot be hushed down, the greatest fraud in the history of rock music. Somehow, I can’t quite believe what the British queen and George Harrison had said, namely that the news of Paul’s death would trigger an avalanche of suicides. Perhaps there would be some stupid teenagers capable of it, but certainly not hundreds.

   So it was financial considerations that had a major impact on the development of this whole affair. After all, in 1966, the Beatles were no longer a group of four lads from Liverpool, but a large corporation generating huge income. So there were millions at stake that could still be earned or lost thanks to this band.

Misinformation in media

   The Beatles, who had the chance to revolutionize the world, conquer the hearts of the young generation, turned out to be cheaters; cheaters who lost their souls in pursuit of profit and fame. They deceived the world for a number of years, in order not to lose their popularity, and consequently, lots of money. To make matters worse, they were kept on a short leash by the agents of British counterintelligence MI5. The fate of these celebrities was really miserable.

   There are many sources on the web, whose authors argue that Paul McCartney has long been dead. Unfortunately, they are still calls in the wilderness. And this is what is still happening despite the fact that both George Harrison and Ringo Starr, authentic members of the legendary Beatles band, have publicly confessed that Paul McCartney died in 1966. However, Ringo turned out to be an unstable and frivolous kind of man. In 2016 he told to journalists that Paul had died 50 years ago, but shortly thereafter he withdrew from it. In fact, he is still participating in this fraud; just look at the photo at the and of this article.

   There are still many advocates of this scam who cover up, defend and promote this impostor. The reason for this is not so much their ignorance of the facts as the desire for profits that his concerts still bring. And to make matters worse, they are supported by some powerful Canadian media like CTV or CBC.

   But these two audio-cassettes couldn’t have been recorded by some impostor pretending to be real George Harrison. First of all, this voice sounds very much like George’s voice, and secondly, it says too many things that fully agree with the band’s history and my profound knowledge of this subject.

   As to Faul, the idea of placing Paul’s soul in his body completely failed. So what? He continues to deceive the world and feels very confident. This thief of identity and copyright of many songs, which he did not compose at all, made a great career, earned a lot of money by climbing up the backs of the three real Beatles. He is currently one of the wealthiest musicians in the world. The world’s famous and powerful people respect him. It is the main reason why so many people still cannot believe that it’s all a big fraud. “If it were a fraud” – think they – “it wouldn’t last that long.”

   Yet it does last, mainly due to the fact that Her Majesty herself decided that the late Paul McCartney was to be replaced by a double, and then she even gave him the title of nobility. You can now address this impostor “Sir Paul McCartney”. [7]

   William Campbell duped even President Barack Obama, who received him in the White House as a distinguished guest. To make matters worse, there are many videos and comments on the web, whose authors try to confuse people about it. They say, for example, that John had a double, George had a double, etc. Hearing this, many poor readers and viewers don’t finally know “Who is who in the zoo.” And this is exactly what they want. Even the movie “Paul McCartney Is Dead – The Last Testament of George Harrison” that I am discussing now has a deceptive commentary on the Polish website, where it is available under the title: „Paul McCartney nie żyje. Historia kłamstwa”. Its author says that rumors of Paul’s death are “fake stories,” “gossips,” and “legends.”

   As we see, the death of Paul McCartney had really bad consequences.

   George Harrison argued that several people who attempted to disclose this fraud had been murdered. However, some important questions arise here. Can we believe everything he said – namely, that hundreds of girls would commit suicide at the news of Paul’s death, that John was killed by the order of the MI5 services, that the motorcyclist who hit Rita also acted on behalf of these services, as did the attacker who tried to kill him in his house. It seems likely to me, but not fully convincing.

   But let’s go back to the subject of William Campbell. There are commentators who reckon that he should be forgiven, because he is such a great artist.”He is, to be true, a fake ex-Beatle,” they say, “but he is such a talented man.”

   Yes that’s right, he is gifted, he wrote some well-known songs like “Hey Jude” or “Eleanor Rigby”, but he never belonged in this band. In fact, he was a foreign body in it. In addition, he is a criminally insolent bloke. For example, he publicly shows a piece of paper with the lyrics of the song “Yesterday” and says it is his handwriting. But it can’t be true. He joined the Beatles only in 1967, and this song was written by the real Paul McCartney at least one year earlier. He probably forged this document himself. Next, in 2018, he performed at Liverpool’s The Cavern Club, where all four authentic Beatles had begun their great careers many years ago, when his career was, as the saying goes, “in its infancy.” He showed no respect even for this place.

To conclude, let me remind you some most important facts about the Beatles band:

  • John Lennon was shot in December 1980.
  • George Harrison died of brain and lung cancer in November 2001. Two years earlier, he was almost killed in his own home by a mentally ill attacker, who stabbed him several times and seriously wounded.
  • William Shears Campbell and Ringo Starr live and are still active, except that the former one still pretends to be a real ex-Beatle.
  • Ringo continues to participate in this fraud, thus demonstrating his immature, frivolous character, as we can seen on this picture.

To anyone who has read all this article but still disbelieves me and thinks that this is a real Paul McCartney, all I have to say is this: Did you notice how his protruding ears when he was a boy folded back later, and his brown eyes when he was a boy became greenish hazel later. And how his round face as a boy became oblong? If you didn’t, you’re a naive fool.






Jerzy Sędziak, August 2019

© Copyright by Jerzy Sędziak




  1. In fact, it was the film whose English title was: “Hard Day’s Night”
  2. [2]
  3. [3]Name Sadie is probably a short for Siddhartha, the Hindu name of Buddha, which means “one who achieves the goal.” Lennon used this word as a nickname to show that Maharishi is a small man, unable to do many things
  4. [4]
  5. [5]
  6. [6]
  7. [7]It is worth recalling that Elizabeth II gave the nobility even to Nicolae Ceausescu, the communist dictator of Romania